
The hottest and most efficient of all fuel gases. Common applications include cutting, welding, flame straightening and brazing.

Acetylene bundles with acetylene plant in Leuna in background

Supply options:

- Cylinders - supplied in multiple cylinder sizes, from -- to -- , working pressure --bar. 

- Cylinder bundles - 12 interconnected acetylene cylinders, providing single source of gas.

Purity: we supply acetylene gas with purity ≥ 99,6%.

  • Highest efficiency compared to other fuel gases
    Acetylene gas saves time and money
  • Flexible use with oxygen or compressed air
  • Improved cut quality
    High cutting speed and fast cut initiation time due to its unique properties
  • The only fuel gas hot enough to weld steel.
  • The only fuel gas recommended for use in underground working conditions
Oxy-acethylene cutting 
Part of the SME shooting 2017: new look and feel and tone of voice for SME

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